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Buckle up, Arizona. The next two days could get crazy

Morning. In today’s opinions newsletter: More presidential drama in Arizona, plus another public official’s indictment.
Remember a couple of weeks ago when I said we might soon tire of all the attention that presidential campaigns are heaping on Arizona?
Oh, trust me. That day is coming. But it might not be this week.
Donald Trump is scheduled to visit the Arizona-Mexico border today, where he hopes to recapture some of the spotlight that has been on Kamala Harris all week at Chicago’s Democratic National Convention.
Trump also will appear at a rally in Glendale on Friday.
Meanwhile, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is planning a news conference in Arizona on Friday to reveal “his path forward” — which, based on recent interviews, suggests he may drop out of the race and throw his support behind Trump.
Polls suggest Trump has fallen behind Harris since her visit to the state. But will the next two days change that?
Buckle up. We’re about to find out.
